2024 Travel Registration (Closed)

Travel Team Status

The 2024 Travel Team has been deferred this year as we make some changes to our competitive program. There are still details to address, but in general, we are making adjustments to several key aspects. These include how we support coaches, recruit players, and facilitate how recreational players level up their skills. We look forward to providing everyone with an excellent experience this year!

Coaches - Instead of asking coaches to facilitate a practice for their team, we ask they refer their 1st grade+ players to our Saturday practice. This means that instead of all coaches hosting individual weekly practices (32coaches x 7sessions = 224 separate events) we as an organization can provide a weekly practice for all interested players at the highest level of quality for the volunteer cost (4coaches x 7sessions) of only 28 separate events.

Player Improvement - The players that practice more through participating in regular practice will naturally tend to stand out on the playing field.

Player Recruitment - The board relies on rec league coaches to identify their best players for recommendation to the travel team. The board will reach out at the end of the rec season to collect the names of the best players from each team to build the prospective travel team roster. An invitation for next season's travel team will be sent out to players on the prospective roster at the end of the rec season. When travel team registration re-opens in January, prospective players will be contacted, and if confirmed, registered.

One discovery we made this year, was that it takes some time for prospective travel players to reach consensus with parents and friends before making their decision. With our new approach and timing, we hope to provide as much lead-time as possible for players to make their decision before registration opens in January.